Mewtwo Figures
Mewtwo D-Arts Figure (with bonus preorder Mew)
Preordered one pretty much the day I was able to.
Large Bandai Figure
Mewtwo Diorama
This is cute - the arena inside here looks nice but I don't want to open the box if I can avoid it!
Target Mewtwo figure & Japanese Equivalent
Seriously, they're the same figure. Just two different bits of packaging.
Target Mewtwo figure + Luxury Ball
You bet your ass Mewtwo deserves a Luxury Ball.
Mewtwo Bath Toy
Not to be confused with the Bath Buddy, this was a little squirting bath toy that took a while to pick up.
Mewtwo Bath Toy - Boxed
Didn't realize I had a boxed, apparently larger? version of this already.
Tomy boxed figure
Remote Control figure
This was one of the more interesting things Tomy created; I probably should pick up a dupe and actually see just how it works.
Pokemon Center 10th Anniversary Figure
This was one hell of an expensive figure, and still will be, especially if you want one sealed.
Pokemon Power Fighter Boxed Figure
Mewtwo model
This one's a figure that you assembled yourself, that you could wind up and it would walk across a flat surface for a short while.
Mewtwo V-Trainer Figure
The Pokemon V-Trainers line apparently had some kind of contest where if you bought one and there was a Ditto inside, you could send away and get a special Mewtwo figure. That made these worth a fair bit to those who knew about them.
V-Trainer - Side view
Just showing that this is indeed the special V-Trainer figure equipped to go onto the base of that game.
V-Trainer Contest Win Letter
Here's what you would get when you eventually received your prize Mewtwo.
Mewtwo vs. Mew diorama
This diorama is a hard find - there was a bit of fierce competition for these for a while until most of the known Mewtwo collectors were able to pick one up.
Pokemon Rumble Blast Mewtwo Figure
I never played the Rumble games but the figure looks nice.
Tony MC-40 Figure
Odd keyring
Mewtwo bendy arm figure
Tiny green rubber figure - eraser?
Tiny figure with base
Burger King figure with cloning tank
These are almost literally a dime a dozen anymore, but having the cloning tank was a nice touch.
Voice-action figure
I think this Mewtwo just growled. Better than the one that plays Christmas carols.
Mewtwo Zukan
For the longest time, these were impossible to find. I'm sure most of the active collectors have managed to get their hands on one - though most of the time that requires a Yahoo Auctions Japan import and a chunk of fees, or help from a fellow collector who's done the same already.
Tiny metal gold, silver, and bronze figures
Apparently these are worth a fair bit despite their size. I know a few that are still hunting to complete this mini-set.
Light-up figure / keychain
This really could have been put in either section.
Mewtwo Monopoly token
I'd just like to note that the Mewtwo teleportation power in Pokemonopoly was completely broken - snake-eyes (1-1) turning into the ability to teleport to any square on the board allowed monopolies to be completed much faster than usual. (If you knew what you were doing, you filled in the orange set and pretty much won the game from there.)
Mewtwo roller figure
I don't know who decided it was a good idea for kids to have things taht were designed to be rolled at high speed and slammed into other things, but, well, here you go.
Better quality bendy figure
Bottlecap figure
This was the original version, from Japan - the Mewtwo Collection box in the US included a reprint of this.
Promo Pack
They threw in a Mewtwo figure with two packs of cards. Or rather, did $10 - a pack of cards is normally $4 so the figure works out to $2.
Mewtwo Clear Kid and White Kid
...that almost sounds racist when you think about it.
Mewtwo big bobblehead figure
This guy looks like he's going to fall apart at any second, but he's held up for a long time.
Mewtwo small bobblehead
I'm pretty sure this guy was part of a set including other legendaries and pseudo-legendaries.
Mewtwo Bath Salt figure
Apparently, in Japan, they have these bath salts that have a small Pokemon figure inside them. He smells fruity!
Colored rubber figures
No clue where these came from, just that a lot of them started showing up on collecting communities at the same time.
More colored rubber figures
Last batch of these. I wasn't taking individual pictures given how hard it was to photograph the tiny stuff anyway.
Mewtwo suction cup figure
Tiny figure with square base
Beginning of Unknown batch
I've picked up a lot of random figures that I have no clue who made them or where they came from. From here on down, if you know for sure where something came from, let me know and I'll get it updated!